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FOSSUSA has partnered with the Los Angeles School Police Department and many other law enforcement agencies in Los Angeles, distributing gun locks and educating gun owners about the responsibilities that come with owning a firearm. 


Student homeless project


FOSSUSA has provided readers and brochures and has brought leading specialist in bullying to schools in order to educate students, teachers, and parents about the problem of bullying. 

Just in the Los Angeles Unified School District alone, there are over 10,000 students that are homeless. Imagine the national rate. FOSSUSA has partnered with other organizations to provide food and other household supplies for families in need. 

FOSSUSA has a vast variety of experts in school safety programs, on site trainging, and equipment. We can provide guidance and direction as to having the most up to date training.  

Interested in learning more? Contact us at 213-500-4016.

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